Hello !welcome to my blog .wow ,almost 1 years i'm not posting in here .not because i'm lazy ,i'm so talkative you know .so what's the reason ?the reason is ,i just found the password .stupid me !when i made this blog ,i used a difficult password that hard to remember lol .perhaps miracle helps me to found this password .because many unimportant story that i have to tell you .but actually ,i wont to share my story here .yaa bcs you know lah ,many people can read this !so ridiculous if me tell about my crush ,the hat man ,and the kid .perhaps ,people will think that i'm is an agressive girl .some of my friend perhaps think so .but you're wrong ,i'm just a freak jovial girl who like joke .heem okay lets back to my unimportant story .heey do you know ?i just realized that 7 is my luck number .my absent number is 7 ,harry potter's quidditch number is 7 too and also kid's team shirt is 7 .oh ya ,my course absent is 3207800'7'0 .my code number for province try out is also 7 .and i have passed my try out and alhamdulillah ,i got the best score .its bcs 7 and of course bcs Allah too .and i think 7 isn't just my special number .but almost all of something famous use 7 too .Casino Royale use 00'7' ,there are 7 wonders in this world ,Petra is inaugurated as 7 wonders in 07-07-07 .dont you think ? 7 is our special number ,right ?!