my world

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18 y/o. Aquarius. On the way to the future.

Minggu, 03 April 2011

My favorite quotes

these are my favorite quotes .these quotes can cheer me up .i'll always remember these quotes when i feel down..

Who will I be? It’s up to me. –Mitchie Torres (Camp Rock)

Soon there'll be joy and happiness and your little world will be bright. –The Rescuers

NO matter what you choose, you will al
ways be my little brother - Denahi (Brother Bear)

I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past

- Thomas Jefferson

No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to flee and fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams -

Jesse Jackson

There is nothing like a dream to create the future.

- Victor Hug


Dreams are lik stars ,you may never touch them. but if you follow them,they'll lead you to your destiny

If you can dream it ,you can do it - Walt Disney

Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you-Jon Bon Jovi

One miracle is just as easy to believe as another-

William Jenning Bryan

Miracle happens to those who believe in them-Bernard Berenson

the quotes that i like most id dreams and miracle quotes .do you know why ?because

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.and we need a miracle to realize our dreams .so i think there's a relationship between dreams and miracle.dont believe me ?

The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it,that was the miracle- Anais Nin

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

It's me

Hello !welcome to my blog .wow ,almost 1 years i'm not posting in here .not because i'm lazy ,i'm so talkative you know .so what's the reason ?the reason is ,i just found the password .stupid me !when i made this blog ,i used a difficult password that hard to remember lol .perhaps miracle helps me to found this password .because many unimportant story that i have to tell you .but actually ,i wont to share my story here .yaa bcs you know lah ,many people can read this !so ridiculous if me tell about my crush ,the hat man ,and the kid .perhaps ,people will think that i'm is an agressive girl .some of my friend perhaps think so .but you're wrong ,i'm just a freak jovial girl who like joke .heem okay lets back to my unimportant story .heey do you know ?i just realized that 7 is my luck number .my absent number is 7 ,harry potter's quidditch number is 7 too and also kid's team shirt is 7 .oh ya ,my course absent is 3207800'7'0 .my code number for province try out is also 7 .and i have passed my try out and alhamdulillah ,i got the best score .its bcs 7 and of course bcs Allah too .and i think 7 isn't just my special number .but almost all of something famous use 7 too .Casino Royale use 00'7' ,there are 7 wonders in this world ,Petra is inaugurated as 7 wonders in 07-07-07 .dont you think ? 7 is our special number ,right ?!

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Leadenhall Market, London (Diagon Alley)

Ke mana kalau belanja kebutuhan sihir hayoo ?Ke Diagon Alley, atau kaum Muggle mengenalnya sebagai Leadenhall Market. Pasar ini sudah ada sejak abad 14 dan tutup hari Sabtu Minggu. Arsitekturnya yang indah didirikan abad 19 dan kini menjadi objek wisata

SOURCE : CINEMAGS ,August 2009

Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire (Hogwarts interiors)

Beberapa adegan interior Hogwarts juga syuting di biara ini khususnya ketika adegan Harry membebaskan Dobby di film kedua juga beberapa adegan dalam film keenam. Selain itu film The Other Boleyn Girl juga pernah syuting disini.

King's Cross Station, London (King's Cross interior)

Tak akan sampai ke Hogwarts kalau belum naik dari platform 9 3/4. Platform 9 sendiri aslinya ada di stasiun King's Cross dan setelah filmnya meledak ada plakat khusus diletakkan di antara platform 9 dan 10 khusus untuk turis yang ingin berfoto. Aslinya dua platform ini tidak bersebelahan tapi dibelah oleh dua rel kereta api. J.K Rowling sendiri mengaku lupa lupa ingat akan platform di stasiun King's Cross sehingga ia salah menuliskan lokasinya di buku.

Goathland railway station, Yorkshire (Hogsmeade Station)

Aslinya ini adalah stasiun kereta api di North Yorkshire Moors Railways untuk desa Goathland. Lokasinya sendiri dijadikan syuting tempat desa Hogsmeade. Karena film pula tempat ini menjadi tempat wisata.

Gloucester Cathedral (Hogwarts corridors)

Kalau di film pertama, kedua dan keenam kalian ngeliat Harry berlari lari di koridor Hogwarts, koridor itu berlokasi di katedral ini. Sebuah katedral yang didirikan abad 17. Beberapa pihak tak suka tempat ini dijadikan lokasi syuting karena kisah filmnya dianggap bertentangan dengan agama.